Trip Planner

Trip Planner


Nestled in the Plains of the Upper Midwest, Pheasant City Lodge is about a 2 ½ hour drive from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. If you like to fish as well as hunt, you may be interested in knowing that Pheasant City Lodge offers walleye fishing trips also is located only 40 miles east of the finest walleye fishing in North America, the Missouri River. Print out a map to Pheasant City Lodge - Click here.

What To Bring

To make sure that your hunt is the most enjoyable for you, we have provided a general checklist. All items are optional, but they are recommended. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Hunter's Check List

  • Gun
  • Game Vest or Bag
  • Upland Hunting Boots
  • Sunglasses/Shooting Glasses
  • Hunting Socks
  • Sunscreen
  • Wicking Liner Socks
  • Shooting Gloves
  • Upland Pants/Chaps
  • Camera
  • Belt/Suspenders
  • Water Bottle
  • Shooting Shirt
  • Rain Gear
  • Shells (available on site)
  • Other

For Your Dog

  • Dog Collar (electronic)
  • Water Dish
  • Dog Brush
  • Food/Bones
  • Leash

Please remember: When bringing your dog to Pheasant City Lodge, please provide up to date immunization records.

South Dakota Airport Information

We have 3 airports 30-70 miles from the lodge or Sioux Falls has a commercial airport 140 miles from the lodge.

SD Hunting License Cost & Details

  • Pheasant hunting on 9,000 acres » Oct.19 thru Jan.5,2020 - $78
  • Youth Small Game - $10
  • (Small Game License valid for two 5-day periods) $129
  • Waterfowl (unit# NRW-00B) » Valid for 10 days - $110

A South Dakota nonresident waterfowl license is required for a nonresident to hunt migratory waterfowl in South Dakota. Fall licenses are limited in number and distributed by lottery drawing.  Thus, one must submit an application with payment either by paper or online, on or before the indicated deadline. All nonresidents must complete the Migratory Bird Certification questions on the application. The license that is issued includes the Migratory Bird Certification privileges.

Youth License $ 29
Non resident youth ages 12-15 required to show copy of hunters safety card or current hunting license from any state. Youth and small game licenses available on site.

Pheasant and other Upland Birds »
We recommend five shot throughout season. Five shot light magnum works best in November and December. Shells available on site.

Waterfowl »
NONTOXIC SHOT - Hunters may not use or possess lead shot when hunting waterfowl. Steel, bismuth-tin, tungsten-iron, tungsten-polymer, tungsten-matrix and tin are approved nontoxic.

Daily Bag Limits
Pheasant »
Daily limit is 3 roosters. Possession limit is 15 roosters, taken according to daily bag limits. Limit accrues at the rate of three roosters a day, and 15 roosters may not be possessed until after 5th day.

Prairie Chicken and Grouse »
Daily limit is combination of 3. Possession limit is 15 (any combination), taken according to daily limit.

Waterfowl »
Daily limit is 6 ducks. Bag may contain no more than 5 mallards (of which no more than 2 may be hens) 3 scaup, 2 redheads, 2 wood ducks, or 1 pintail.

Purchase License

Driving Directions

The state is served by two interstate highways. I-90 runs east-west, and I-29 runs north-south. The speed limit on interstate highways is 80 mph, with most other highways at 65 mph. Call 605-773-3571 for maps pinpointing highway construction areas, call 605-773-3536 for winter road condition reports or visit the South Dakota Department of Transportation for traveler information.

  • From Wessington Springs - From Wessington Springs take hwy 34 west to 374th st. Turn right go 7 mile north to 372nd turn left at Dangerous intersection go west 4 mile, turn right on 370th go 2 1/2 mile North. Follow the curves north left then right turn right on 219th go 1/2 mile east to lodge.
  • From Sioux Falls - From Sioux Falls take I 29 or I 229 North to I 90 West. Go West 80 miles to hwy 281 North, go North 25 miles to 4 way stop. Continue on North about 13 miles to #214th st. Turn left on 214th go 12 mile west to stop sign then turn left go 2 mile South to 216th st turn right go 5 mile West to 369th turn left on gravel go 3 mile south to 219th st turn left go 1/2 mile east to Lodge!
  • From Huron - Take hwy 14 west to hwy 281 south 4 miles to 214th. turn right go west 12 miles on 214 to stop sign, turn left go 2 miles south to 216th. turn right go 5 mile west on 216 to 369 turn left go 3 mile south on gravel to 219th. turn left go 1/2 mile to front door of the lodge.
  • From Miller - Take hwy 14 east 9 miles to 369th ave turn right go 20 mile south to stop sign. continue 3 mile south to 219thst. Turn left go 1/2 mile east to the front door of the lodge.
  • From Mitchell - From Mitchell go West 20miles to hwy 281 north. Go 25 mile north to 4 way stop, turn left on hwy 34 go west. 19 miles. At 368th st turn right go 7 mile north to stop sign, continue north 1 mile to dead end. Turn right go 1/4. east curve north continue 1 mile north take the first right go 1 1/2 east to the front door of the lodge come on in!
  • From Pierre -
  • From Rapid City -Take exit 248 at Reliance go north on hwy 47 to Fort Thompson. Find hwy 34 east go 22 miles to hwy 45. At stop sign. turn left on 47 go 12 miles north to #216th st turn right go 9 miles east to 369th ave turn right on 369. go 3 mile south on gravel road turn left on 219th st go 1/2 mile east to the front door of the lodge "COME ON IN"

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